Wednesday, April 20, 2022


So lent is over and we are into the Easter season.  For the next 50 days we will pivot to "Wisdom Wednesdays".  We should have ample time during the week for comments and even discussion.  Check here every week for deep thoughts, who knows maybe they will even be wise once or twice!

So I went to a retirement party over the weekend and that got me thinking about things ending.  This particular couple is ready to go but it will still be sad for the co workers he is leaving behind. I thought of my departure from my civilian job.  Even though I had trained folks well for it everyone was still sad.  I thought of my Dad's death two years on now.  I was very happy for him but sad for me.    I thought about the disciples after Jesus died.  All their hopes for a better world shattered. These were all moments where a way of life was ending, and that is always somewhat sad. 

So many of you know I like to read Lao Tzu, the founder of Zen.  Thomas Merton actually introduced me to this great thinker.  So I wondered if Lao had any snappy quotes that would teach me about sad endings.


So let's take a look at this.  While leaving my job was sad for everyone, it allowed several others to step up and take on new responsibilities.  Folks learned they could do things that I always knew they could and it has given multiple people a chance to shine.  My Dad's death gave me a new appreciation for living in the moment and led me to start really planning on retiring. It has allowed me to get to know my Mom in a different way and allowed me to grow in my relationship with her. Finally, Jesus' death conquered death for all of us and made us sons and daughters of God.  Clearly these things aren't evident at the moment, but with time we come to understand.    

So while Lao was way before Christianity he knew that God had our back. So if you are faced with a moment where something is ending, take time to grieve;  things will be different.  But while we might not see it in the moment, if we trust God it really will work out. New Beginnings disguise themselves as painful endings.





1 comment:

  1. Got a text that this was a timely post because someone had just lost a friend and it reminded them that their friend was now in a better place.
    That is a comfort that our faith brings. I know I talk to my dad all the time and really believe that me hears me. Thanks for sharing.
