Happy Easter or Passover everyone, we made it! I posted everyday during lent once I started. A couple were pretty weak but hopefully you have found several that have been helpful. So what about Thomas Merton? Well yesterday he gave us the roadmap to freedom. His brother does get baptized and has first communion. He then leaves the next day. Merton gets several letters from him postmarked England. Merton finishes his first year and professes vows. During Holy Week of 1943 his brother is killed on a mission to Germany. Merton feels he finally did something useful for his brother by getting him baptized and now prays for him constantly. There is an epilogue which has two main points. I will save these for later posts. But the first paragraph of the epilogue is a great place to end our lenten journey:
Day unto day uttereth speech. The clouds change. The seasons pass over our woods and fields in their slow and regular procession, and time is gone before you are aware of it. pg 407
So ends the season of lent and the Easter season begins. Did you have a good lent? Will you have a great Easter? The choice is ours to make anew every second, every minute and every day. For we have a merciful God but our time on earth does end before we are aware and God will ask us, "Did you try to move the world closer to Me each day?"
My prayer today, Lord, help me move the world closer to you today. Amen
PS Thanks for reading. I will try to continue this blog though not at this pace. I will shoot for posting on "Wisdom Wednesdays". We won't always be discussing Merton and it won't always be religious but it will always be spiritual. We can try comments again as well as with a slower pace it should work better.
Thanks and Happy Easter and Have a Great Passover!
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