This will be a different post today because it is more of a self help for me. My 15 year old dog was diagnosed with an inoperable mast cell tumor on his paw Friday. I saw it coming and appreciate the vet's honesty but it was still a shock when it arrived. 3-6 months and will necessitate at least daily dressing changes of his paw and a boot when he goes out. We have talked about suffering on this blog before, but my dog?? So here is how I am working through this...
All creation was created to praise God. Hence that is why Turner was created. He has done a good job at this.
Mankind was charged with being good stewards of God's creation. I think we have done pretty well with Turner; he got to 15. Of course he has gotten old enough to develop cancer.
God is good and wants the best for His creatures and for me. When man turns to evil he can create pain and suffering that God allows but God ultimately causes good from it. I don't see how this is good. I don't think this cancer has anything to do with man's evil. Thus this must be part of God's natural plan. Turner is wearing out after 15 years.
The fact that I don't understand God's plan is what bugs me. I want to know! This is where pride comes in.
So if this is suppose to be good; where is the good?
This is where faith comes in. I have to trust God and look for the good. How can I take this time and this experience and find good? Is it treasuring the dressing changes with my wife and dog? More ardent prayer? Appreciate life more? There is good here; I just need to find it while acknowledging the sadness as well. This I am attempting to do.
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