Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Wise stay behind

 Sorry I have missed the last 2 weeks.  I got Covid. I tried to use the time as a mini retreat.  I focused on Loyola's phrase that we should not wish for sickness nor health but whatever brings us closer to God.  

But I won't bore you with that today.  I was reading Lao Tzu over the weekend and came across this phrase

     The Wise stay behind and are thus ahead

           They are detached and thus one with all

               Through selfless action they attain fulfillment.


I really wanted to focus on the first line.  So if you are working 40-50 hours a week what does that mean?  Well first, realize why you are working.  Your work should be helping to bring about God's kingdom here on earth in some small way, it is part of God's plan.  If you sell insurance; good.  You are trying to protect people.  Don't cheat them anymore than the company makes you.  Second, don't get so caught up in "making it" that you forget who you are.  If there is a terrible bundle the company wants you to push and you can get a big raise or promotion if you do, don't.  While the world may see you as falling behind you are staying true to yourself and God.  It takes courage but remember "The wise stay behind and are thus ahead."   

If you are at home raising a family, taking care of elderly you already see you are doing God's work.  It is easy to get discouraged because society says you are falling behind.  It takes courage but remember "The wise stay behind and are thus ahead.

If you are fully retired what are you doing to bring God's kingdom here?  Realize you have a part to play.  Praying, volunteering and helping out family members all play a part. Hugging your grandkids so they see God's love mirrored through you is important.  It takes courage to get up everyday but remember "The wise stay behind and are thus ahead."

Through our selfless actions may we attain fulfillment.




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