Sunday, April 10, 2022

Day 36 Contact with God as a living reality

 Day 36 Palm Sunday!  1 week to go.  I have actually had to slow down my reading as I only have about 60 pages to go.  So Thomas continues to yearn to be a monk and everyone around him recognizes this.  He is corresponding with Baroness de Hueck, she asks him, the president of the university asks him, but he always gives the same response, No I don't have the calling.  He is afraid that if they know of his past he will be rejected again.  Boy that first priest really messed him up.  God is clearly calling out to Thomas.  The Baroness comes back to school to talk with the friars and they are all excited.  Thomas realizes that she is ministering to them.  He tries to figure out why they are drawn to this lay woman for spiritual advice and nourishment.  He writes:

And I could see that they were drawn to her by the tremendous spiritual vitality of the grace that was in her, a vitality which brought with it a genuine and lasting inspiration, because it put their souls in contact with God as a living reality.  And that reality, that contact, is something which we all need: and one of the ways in which it has been decreed that we should arrive at it, is by hearing one another talk about God.  pg 358

Two points struck me about this paragraph.  First, hopefully we all have met people that just ooze God's vitality.  That certainly makes God real.  I think this gives me and all of us something to shoot for.  Second, by talking about God we can come into contact with Him. It makes sense.  "For where two or more are gathered in my name there I am." But how often do we talk about God?  In the military it was strictly monitored and mostly forbidden. In my civilian life a couple of Christians found each other and we would gain strength from each other while working in today's money/value driven society.  I probably need to talk about God to my friends more often.  I don't mean preaching, just talking, sharing ideas; like this blog. How about you?  

My prayer today; Lord, thank you for today's saints living among us for their inspiration.  Help me be an inspiration to others.  Help me live and talk so others may come in contact with You as a living reality.  Amen




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