Thursday, March 10, 2022

Day 5 The Holy Grind

 Readership is rising; thank you!  It is giving me confidence to continue.  I only told  8 people about this and we have many more than 8 viewing so thanks!

Thomas is now in a Catholic boarding school which he hates because everyone there is mean.  For summer break he joins his father in a new french town of Murat.  His father is staying with a simple french family called the Privats.  Thomas states they are among the most remarkable people he ever met. He remembers their kindness, goodness, peacefulness and utter simplicity.  Thinking back on them he calls them saints.  

"And they were saints in that most effective and telling way: sanctified by obscurity, by usual skills, by common tasks, by routine, but skills, tasks, routine which received a supernatural form from grace within, and from the habitual union of their souls with God in deep faith and charity."  Pg 56

I suspect we all know people like the Privats.  People that are awesome and quietly get the job done with a smile. These people are often under appreciated by society and paid little if they are paid at all.  The nursing care partner who doesn't cut corners when cleaning up a demented patient, the janitor who takes pride in the way the floors are spotless in the cafeteria and the daughter who foregoes work to look after her aging parents.  When I was a hospital executive I told folks to "do simple better".  It was a way to improve care.  It does improve care but that is not the real reason we as Christians should be doing it.  We should be doing our tasks to the best of our ability because that is what God wants of us. If you remember back on Day 1 of our journey we talked about  moving the world either towards or away from God each day. Our common daily tasks are a huge way to do this if done with the right intent. This is what I call the Holy Grind.  

 My prayer for today is; God, strengthen me to do the tasks you set before me today to the best of my ability and to do them with deep faith and charity.





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