Monday, March 21, 2022

Day 16 The Modern Person revisited

 Read another 10 pages today.    Merton is going through his college years at Columbia.  He is busy with the school magazine, yearbook, cross country and his fraternity.  There was nothing that really caught my eye though.  What caught my eye was a comment that Joani did yesterday about my post back on day 9 about the “modern man”.  Now several of you have told me that you have trouble commenting, and I had trouble too. Maybe I need to switch sites.   We will see.   

I would like to try to answer comments once a week.  It takes courage to comment and I would like to acknowledge that plus hopefully readers will find it helpful.  Back on day 9 we discussed Merton’s modern man and then I commented that I thought he was a bit harsh, you could be modern and still follow God.  It was challenging but we had ways to do so.   Joani responded stating that while she has struggled with the concept of God she decided to live the best life of always being a helper, administering to the elderly, children etc.   “Isn’t that what God wants? “is how she ends her comments. 

First Joani I don’t know anyone who hasn’t struggled with the concept of God!  If you havent struggled then you haven’t thought about Him/Her.  Perhaps you aren’t done thinking yet?  God is waiting there for us to seek Him.  Merton would tell you that you are responding to God’s graces instinctively because your heart and soul are open to them and Him.  Man and Woman want to know God and to accept His graces and bring the world closer to Him but we get clouded by sins such as greed and selfishness.  Your heart and soul have not been closed off so you are indeed living a good life.  So a shorter answer to your question is “yes that is what God wants”

My prayer today is Lord, help me continue to look for You and give me the courage to walk this modern world loving You more each day.  



1 comment:

  1. It is a comfort to think my heart is open to God as I would like to experience the peace I see that you and others gain from the connection to God. However as a person with a scientific mind , our careers are based on verifiable facts the blind faith concept is very difficult for me to wrap my mind around. Still trying
